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Success Stories

  Mrs. Saaqa Abdiwahab Osman is 29 years old mother with five children a daughter and four sons, she and her 5 children live with her husband in qansaxley IDP.   Initially they migrated from one of nearby country-sides of Luuq district called “Biyodhele” they were pastoralists, their family lost their livestock during the prolonged drought of 2011 and since then settled in Qansaxley IDP and they live here now for more than 10yrs.   The mother of five now sells groundnuts as a hawker in Qansaxley mini market to support her children and her husband is fundi/casual labour as they try to sustain their family, she sustains her family with the small income she gets from her small business plus the small contributions from her husband. Saaqa Abdiwahab didn’t receive any NFI from other operating NGOs in the IDP.  

She was grateful of receiving NFI items from NARDO (Jerricans 20l, Plastic washing basins, laundry soap, bathe soap, washable/reusable menstrual clothes, sanitary pads, under wear, soap/white wash, Mosquito net and solar charging flashlights). She is overwhelmed especially by getting “washable/reusable menstrual and sanitary pads” as they are useful to her for maintenance of her periods and long lasting for the towels as oppose to disposable sanitary pads.

She also informed us, other items reduced the stress of not having the basic items for household level. For example, the family had only two 20l jerricans and used both for fetching and for water storage, but after Nardo intervention, they now have four 20l jerricans and can separate jerricans for collecting and for storing water.

  Mrs. Saaqa told Nardo “i appreciates NARDO for helping me the basic hygiene and sanitation items including the sanitary pads, Mosquito net, jery can, solar torch and menstrual clothes among others which is very useful for my household”. She also requested provision of more kits including clothes for children, food, business grant, utensils and enough sanitary pads.  

Non Foods Items (NFI) Distribution

Agriculture & Farm inputs success story

Latrine desludging

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